Cloud application development services

Keep your business up-to-date, competitive and secure with top-grade cloud-based solutions

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Deploy cost-effective Cloud solutions with Miquido

Our experts design, integrate, and deploy scalable applications untraceable by APIs and web browsers. Let us ensure your existing projects are smoothly transitioned into the Cloud or let’s build a brand new Cloud-native product together! We’ll help you make the right decisions, choose the most suitable framework for your business, and successfully deploy the most complex cloud solution.

Browse through our Cloud application services

Miquido is a software company offering the latest cloud deployment solutions and consulting services to clients of all sizes. See which solutions will help your business grow!

Cloud app development

Cloud technology can help your business to soar with contemporary and competitive solutions. Commonly used in market-leading apps like LinkedIn and Dropbox, cloud computing is sure to bring a new edge to your product! Interested in cloud application consulting and development? We can help! Our cloud services advisory will cover the best practices and strategies for your company, assist in selecting the best architecture for you specifically and manage and optimise your projects even further.

Cloud deployment

Whether you want to set up your virtual computing environment as SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – deploying to the cloud can provide your business with numerous flexible and scalable virtual resources. We will help you choose the right cloud deployment model for your goals and migrate your existing infrastructure to the cloud. At Miquido, we offer a variety of cloud-based architectures (e.g. serverless, microservices, etc.) and implement scalable, cloud-native solutions.

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Do you want your business to be listed among the global giants? Facebook, Netflix, NASA, McDonalds, BBC, and so many more are using AWS to develop, deploy and host their applications! Regardless of the industry or your company’s size – Amazon Web Services is easily the largest provider of cloud-based services today. Miquido is a certified AWS APN Select Consulting Partner, so we know exactly how to design and implement top-notch AWS architecture.

Google Cloud Platform

Another way to go is Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Develop secure and easy-to-use applications, store large volumes of data, and leverage the full potential of cloud computing services for web & mobile with Google Cloud. Google pays particular attention to protecting your data and infrastructure from fraudulent activities, so you can be certain your cloud solution is as secure as it gets. Finally, at Miquido, all our GCP products are developed in accordance with the latest standards, so all the cloud services we offer are up-to-date and backed up by Google’s years of experience.

Tangible results, right on schedule

2 days
for an estimate
2 weeks
for the prototype
3 months
for the MVP

Need your idea verified fast?

Benefits of cloud-based solutions for business

If you’re still unsure if cloud deployment services will be the right fit for your company – browse through the most common advantages cloud solutions bring to the table.

Cost reduction

This is the key goal of any business. A properly selected cloud model will allow you to pay only for the services you actually use. This means you won’t have to pay upfront for the infrastructure.


Business technology is prone to dynamic changes. Cloud solutions let you react and adapt to any industry updates, seasonal fluctuations in traffic and other differences in load requirements – just choose the resources that will benefit you at the moment and scale effortlessly!

Quick implementation

It is way faster to implement an effective cloud solution than to develop your own infrastructure! As a result, you have more time to experiment with different time-to-market strategies.


Downtime? Forget about it! Cloud services have a number of mechanisms that work specifically to minimise the risk of downtime and guarantee a rapid return online in case something does fail. This way, you can be protected in the event of equipment failure, power outages, or even natural disasters – all that for a much lower price compared to self-hosted solutions.


It may seem counterintuitive, yet in most cases, cloud solutions can actually be much more secure than a self-hosted architecture. Cloud providers have teams dedicated solemnly to security of your data and you can forget about manual actualisation – all will be taken care of automatically thanks to their Shared Responsibility Model! You can rely on engineers from Miquido to set up everything correctly and apply the proper security protocols to your product.

years in remote
software development
digital solutions
of all projects
conducted remotely

Our cloud stack is built with the latest tech

Data analytics

Amazon Athena

Amazon Kinesis

AWS Glue

Amazon SQS

GCP BigQuery

GCP Pub/Sub

GCP Dataflow


AWS Lambda

AWS Fargate

GCP Cloud Run

GCP Cloud Functions


Amazon Aurora

Amazon RDS

Amazon ElasticCache

Amazon S3


GCP Cloud Storage


Amazon CloudWatch

AWS CloudTrail

AWS Organizations

AWS Certificate Manager

AWS Cognito


Amazon VPC

Amazon Route 53

AWS App Mesh

Elastic Load Balancing


AWS Device Farm

GCP Firebase Crashlytics

Our development process

  • 1

    Scoping & estimation

  • 2


  • 3

    Design & development

  • 4

    Product release

  • 5

    Product growth

Getting to know your project idea

First things first. Every client and every business is unique, so we start by learning your main goals and expectations. With these in mind, we proceed to discussing which cloud services will work best for your company and which technologies we will be using. This should allow us to provide you with an estimated development schedule and an approximate quotation.

Diving into the details

In order to provide the best results, we want to understand exactly what it is you have in mind. We will invite you to participate in a series of workshops with our development team. We will help each other to understand the main touchpoints of our cooperation and make sure we are on the same page throughout all the stages of your cloud app development. This is also when we decide on the most fitting architecture for your application.

Bringing your project to life

This is when the actual development begins! At this stage we create the designs and move on to the code. Our key goal here is to develop a fully-functional MVP (minimum viable product) – a version of your app ready to be released to the market. Since every project is based on different technology and has different objectives in mind, it is impossible to say how long exactly it will take to prepare the MVP, but as a rule it takes our engineers a few months to ensure everything will run smoothly.

Introducing your app to users

It’s time to take care of the deployment and release of your cloud app. Our team will make sure everything goes according to schedule without any delays or changes to the development plan. All you have to do is sit back and watch people react to your solution.

Establishing long-term relationships

The first stage of our work here is done, but it doesn’t mean we have to go our separate ways! At Miquido, we value each client and aim at building long-term mutually rewarding partnerships. We will be ready to carry out detailed testing and all the necessary updates your cloud application may require, take care of ongoing maintenance, or provide you with experienced app support – you name it!

Custom cloud app development

Want to make your own, unique idea a reality? Choose our custom app development services and obtain a digital solution made according to your specific business requirements. We will build the app from the ground up, from thorough research, through design and development, all the way to maintenance and further product growth.

What’s in it for you? A product with no unnecessary features, made with scalability and flexibility in mind, that is tailor-made and created according to your vision, with a development schedule and budget suited to your business plan. Start building your cloud-based custom app today!

Want to know more about cloud services?

Browse through the most frequently asked questions to gain more knowledge about the cloud. Don’t see the answers you were looking for?

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Get in touch

What is the difference between cloud storage and cloud computing?

You’ve no doubt heard about the cloud at some point, but there are some terms regarding the subject that frequently get mixed up. An obvious example of that is cloud storage and cloud computing.

What’s the difference? Cloud computing is a broader term that refers to the provision of IT resources and services through the internet by a third-party, which allows you to access your projects on-demand and performs digital tasks online. Cloud storage, on the other hand, refers to storing your files in a remote, off-site location, i.e the cloud. For example, every time you save a file on your Google Drive, you’re using cloud storage.

What are the types of cloud computing services?

The main types of cloud computing services include:

  • Software as a service (SaaS), which refers to a software application made accessible online by a third-party provider, and usually available to users through a subscription model. An SaaS does not need to be installed on a device, which makes such applications particularly appealing to businesses.
  • Platform as a service (PaaS), which is a model that provides developers with a framework that they can use to create and manage scalable software applications. To put it more simply: PaaS gives you a space and tools for building software, without the need to manage the infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) provides basic cloud computing services, such as compute, network and storage resources that are made available on-demand, thus giving developers a fundamental infrastructure.

What are the main cloud deployment models?

There are a couple of different ways in which cloud services can be made available Let’s quickly go through the main cloud development models:

  • Public cloud, the most popular model, as the name itself suggests it’s publicly available to all users. The service provider maintains the servers, where data is created and stored. Public clouds are a great option for companies that don’t want to invest and be responsible for maintenance of their own hardware.
  • Private cloud is, contrary to public cloud, a model in which cloud computing resources are available only to the specific organisation to which the hardware is dedicated to. Private cloud is the choice for institutions where top-notch security is the number one priority – for example in banks or governmental organisations.
  • Hybrid cloud encompassess the traits of both private and public clouds. The use of a hybrid cloud depends solely on the organisation, but most commonly the more sensitive data is stored on the private cloud, while supporting applications are kept in the public cloud.

What are the advantages of moving to the cloud?

The most obvious advantage of moving your application to the cloud is that the resources are accessible to you from any device you want, but that’s not all of it. The use of cloud computing can enable businesses to cut operational costs, since it can help to save resources that would traditionally be spent on hardware, additional IT staff, etc. In addition to that, the pay-as-you-go model guarantees that you won’t be charged for resources you don’t actually need.

Scalability is also one of the strongest benefits of moving to the cloud, and of the main reasons companies choose this solution. By using cloud computing, you gain the ability to scale your application up or down as desired, depending on current needs. What is more, cloud solutions are also quite error-proof, and equipped with mechanisms that allow for a quick restoration of the service in case of any availability issues.

What is cloud-native?

Cloud-native refers to application development that aims to harness the full potential of cloud services from the start, and makes use of all the features or services available. Cloud-native development allows developers to create solutions that are flexible, scalable and easy to maintain as it makes the most of elasticity, global deployment and other high-level services. It is characterised by being container-based and microservice-oriented.

Our cloud solutions across the industries

  • Healthcare
  • E-commerce
  • Entertainment
  • Fintech
  • Other

Create a solution that will benefit patients and health professionals alike with a cloud-based healthcare application. At Miquido, we aid the healthcare industry with solutions made for remote health monitoring, data management, and mHealth, based on a data-driven approach. Our team will provide you with a solution that is secure, scalable, and tailor-made for your business needs.

See our solutions for healthcare

Want an e-commerce app that will charm your customers and boost your conversion rates? Choose our services for the e-commerce industry and get a top-performing, user-friendly application made for millions of users to enjoy. We make sure our eCommerce solutions work seamlessly, and ensure that you get the product suited to both you and your clients.

See our solutions for e-commerce

With years of experience in developing apps for entertainment pioneers, we can make sure to give you a digital solution that will keep your users engaged. Get a cloud-based application that is flexible, equipped with exceptional design, flawless UX, and AI solutions to give your customers the most personalised experience possible. Whether it’s a travel, music, social or event-management application that you need, we’ve ready to build it from the ground up.

See our solutions for entertainment

Fintech is a highly competitive industry, and that’s why making the most of innovation is the key to success. We build fintech apps that put focus on security and top-level performance, while also taking advantage of business-oriented data science and machine learning to give you a highly functional, one-of-a-kind fintech solution. Our team offers end-to-end services in financial, insurance, and banking app development.

See our solutions for fintech

Don’t see your industry on the list? No problem; we’ve worked with many different companies coming from a variety of fields, such as lifestyle, travel, education, project management etc., and we’re always ready for new challenges. Our solutions are made with the needs and business objectives of our customers in mind, no matter the background of their businesses. Reach out to us with your app idea, and we will handle the rest!

Browse through our tech and business insights

Want to talk about your idea?

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