Android app development company

Choose an experienced partner to transform your business idea into a top-performing custom Android app

Let’s work together
Android app development company bg

Reach a global market with a Google Certified Android development company

Develop your envisioned mobile application in technology that accounts for 72% of the mobile OS market. Take advantage of Google Play policies that allow flexibility in delivering stunning, personalised user experiences. Hire a Google-certified team with a proven track record in building apps for the world’s top enterprises, such as Skyscanner, TUI, Dolby and Herbalife. Choose an Android development company that will help you increase the global market reach, seamlessly grow your client base, and easily target other mobile platforms.

Reach users worldwide with Android app development

Grow your business potential with reliable, open-source tools and frameworks enabling the cost-effective development of top-notch mobile applications. Develop an Android app that will captivate and retain users thanks to high performance, customisable UI and compliance with security standards. Leverage the power of platform-specific libraries and be the first to capture your Android app users with innovative app features: AI-based recommendations, voice control, augmented reality and seamless social integrations.

Open-source software fueled by Google

Omnichannel allows brands to boost user engagement by reaching consumers exactly where they are. From AI-based recommendation systems for websites, through ecommerce mobile app development, to social media management software integration – we will assist you in adding new touchpoints and delivering unique customer experiences.

Better app visibility and increased ROI

Neat integration of third-party tools for social media, inventory, accounting, or CRM is critical for eCommerce management efficiency. Reduce operational costs through seamless API integrations: automate tasks, sync all business data, streamline workflows, and optimise marketing with a cohesive system.

Quick app development

The headless software architecture allows brands to create tailor-made systems composed of third-party microservices loosely connected via API. If you seek unprecedented flexibility, reduced time-to-market, and the possibility of testing various external solutions without impacting the entire infrastructure, our frontend and backend teams can develop a custom headless solution just for you.

Top-notch cybersecurity

Do you need a fast and effective time-to-market strategy? Develop your competitive edge by choosing an experienced Android application development company that will optimise the development process by using Android libraries, frameworks and automated testing. Don’t build common app features from scratch – benefit from a wide selection of pre-built Android solutions and focus on creating your unique value proposition.

Targeting multiple platforms

Take advantage of the cross-platform frameworks and SDKs to develop a scalable Android app with reusable code. Choose Flutter, React Native or Kotlin Multi-platform to create a native-like Android solution that can be easily transformed to iOS, desktop or web application. Leverage the power of Kotlin and Java to simplify porting the Android app into multiple operating systems.

tui mockup

Warner Recorded Music: Internal conference mobile application

Warner Recorded Music is a collective that unities the most iconic music labels in the world. With a 60-year tradition of empowering distinctive brands, emerging talents, music makers and music lovers, WRM knows how to make the most of the creative process.

During the growth-fostering partnership, our team delivered a fully functional internal mobile application for iOS and Android devices. The intuitive conference app with FAQ, resources, and event agenda was built by cross-platform virtuosos in less than 7 weeks. Let’s dig into the details of our hyper-effective teamwork. Are you ready for a replay?

warner mockup
7  Weeks

for the iOS & Android app development

100 %

positive user feedback

react logo

native-like app experience

Miquido’s Android app development services

Excellent Android UI design to help you stand out from the competition and build a strong brand. Tailor-made tech stack that lets you scale your product as your company grows. Custom development schedule and budget adjusted to your business plan. Full application support and maintenance. No one-size-fits-all features, but a product that is tailor-made for you. Take advantage of our Android app development services and build a successful mobile app that will help you enter the world’s largest mobile market.

Custom Android app development

Select the custom development services to create a tailor-made Android app from scratch. Take advantage of our product strategy support to ensure an excellent product-market fit. Leverage our design expertise to build personalised app features and a unique UI. Construct the perfect application architecture that will bring the optimal balance between high code quality, stability and development speed.

Native Android development with Java and Kotlin

When it comes to native Android development, there are two technologies that matter: Java and Kotlin. Miquido Android developers are fluent in both, and with each case, they choose the stack carefully to deliver top-notch applications, made to fit specific business needs. Whether you wish to write a brand new app or spruce up the one you already have, we help you choose the right tech solution.

Cross-platform Android development

If you’re thinking about building an app for both Android and iOS, you will face a crucial decision. Should you develop two native apps, or just one that will work on both platforms? We’re here to make sure you choose the right approach! If you pick cross-platform over native Android application development, we can take care of that, too. Our team excels in building apps with the two most popular cross-platform frameworks: Flutter and React Native.

Android Security Services

Prevent financial losses and damage to customer trust. Ensure your Android app complies with current cybersecurity guidelines. The cybersecurity experience of our teams is confirmed by constant training and audits based, among other things, on the restrictive OWASP guidelines. From risk analysis assistance to implementing secure authentication methods – you can count on our experience in implementing tailor-made cybersecurity strategies.

Google Play Compliance

Benefit from the support of Miquido ASO experts to make your Android app compliant with Google Play standards. Ensure your application is safe, secure, and does not violate guidelines regarding app content, user data and intellectual property. Our consulting experts will help you adjust your product for a seamless launch and flawless app distribution through multiple app stores.

Android Quality Assurance

Implement a comprehensive QA and testing strategy to ensure your Android application is reliable, smooth and meets user expectations. The QA team at Miquido will help you test and improve your digital product through a tailor-made approach optimal for your business. Depending on your needs, we recommend manual or automated tests, pen tests or industry-specific audits.

Our tech stack

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose

Our tech stack

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose

  • MVVM / MVP
  • AndroidX
  • AndroidX
  • Compose








Firebase Crashlytics

Android Studio App Inspection & Profiler





What makes Miquido a top Android development company?

With 11 years of experience in Android development, the Miquido experts will ensure your envisioned app idea performs seamlessly on any device but also optimise it for changing market needs. Working on your Android project, we will combine technical expertise gathered while developing mobile apps for industry giants with a perfect understanding of your individual business needs. Together, we can deliver a future-proof application that will ensure you a stable position in the ever-evolving market.

Android applications recognised worldwide

You don’t want to put your project in inexperienced hands. Our Android team is top-rated on Clutch. With over 11 years of practice in custom Android app development, Miquido has gained the trust of world-renowned brands such as Skyscanner, TUI, Play, Warner and Dolby. Our seasoned developers create beautiful, top-performing Android apps for enterprises and start-ups across multiple industries, including fintech, banking, music and entertainment.

One-stop Android development agency

A great idea is important, but it takes more to build an excellent mobile app. Choose our all-in-one Android development services and hire a team that handles everything your app needs to succeed. Strategy and market research to sharpen your vision and outstanding UX and UI design to delight your users. Foolproof app development and maintenance for excellent stability and performance. All in one place.

+10 years of experience in delivering custom Android apps

Our team of 25 Android developers has over 10 years of experience in delivering reliable, fast and secure mobile apps. Miquido experts are still expanding their practical knowledge, as shown by over 50 commercial projects for well-known brands. Being involved in the Google Developers Agency Program from its very beginning, our specialists contribute to the Android open-source community and participate in prominent industry events. The quality of our mobile applications is recognised worldwide: since 2018, we have been one of the few companies named as a Google Certified Agency.

Get to know our work process

  • 1

    Scoping & estimation

  • 2

    Workshops & preparation

  • 3

    Design & development

  • 4

    Product release

  • 5

    Ongoing support

Getting to know your vision & business needs

First of all, we’d like to learn about your product idea and identify the scope of your project. For that, we gather all the crucial info about your business goals and expectations. We discuss the potential features, tech solutions and time required to deliver them. By the end of this stage, we should be able to provide you with a general development schedule and an estimated project price.

Diving into the details

To make sure that your custom solution becomes a success, we put together a series of personalised workshops tailored to your needs. Sample workshops can focus on Data, Product design, or Strategy – you make the final call. After we’ve answered each other’s questions and reached a common vision, we prepare the wireframes and the first design drafts, development requirements, as well as all the basic documentation of the project.

Turning your bespoke idea into reality

This is when your idea truly comes to life! We finalise the UX/UI designs and begin the development of your web or mobile application. Keep in mind, that every project is unique so there’s no one-size-fits-all way to tell how long it’s going to take, but as a rule it takes us up to 3 months to create a fully-functional minimum viable product – your MVP. That is the version of your solution ready to be released to the market.


Your app is ready to be released to the market! After the development is complete, the MVP is tested, and every stakeholder is satisfied, we take care of the deployment and release. As time is of the essence during this phase, we make sure everything goes according to schedule and the entire process is as seamless as it gets.

There’s more for us to do

Your custom digital product is released, but our work doesn’t necessarily end here. We pride ourselves in building long-term relationships with our customers; if you’d like to upgrade your product with some additional features over time, if there is a particular enhancement that you’d like to try out, or if you simply want us to take care of maintenance and support, we’re always happy to help! In case you choose to let your in-house team to take over the project, we’ll ensure the transition goes without any surprises.

tui logo

Miquido performed very well and made helpful suggestions and adjustments throughout the project to ensure its success.”

e-Commerce Coordinator, TUI
skyscanner logo

Miquido was engaged throughout the project and responded well to the expeditious timeline. They were proactive in project management and understood the requirements and challenges.”

Kevin Hall, Project Manager at Skyscanner

Want to know more about Android app development?

How long does it take to develop an Android App?

Many factors, such as project complexity, the chosen technology, and the team size, influence the development time for an Android mobile app. The development time for an average-sized mobile app is around 3-4 months. Additional functionalities or features can increase this time. However, it is worth mentioning that this time frame includes creating a functional application related to backend and frontend development alone.
However, the total Android app development process time is determined by the individual project development phases:

  1. Strategy – In the strategy phase, the most critical assumptions about the purpose of the product, the target group and the key goals and objectives are established.
  2. Ideation and analysis – This process consists of the entire product concept and an analysis of the market, business demand, requirements and interaction with key stakeholders. This is where the Minimum Viable Product is defined, and the tasks associated with releasing the MVP are prioritised.
  3. Design – The design stage is meant to provide an effortless experience for the product user, create an eye-catching and interactive design, and ensure that the application is readable and user-friendly. This stage is crucial as the FTUX, and subsequent user experience determines user engagement.
  4. Development – This is where all the processes related to the technological background of the mobile application take place, such as the creation of the backend, frontend, API, architecture definition or technology selection.
  5. Testing – In the testing phase, QA ensures the application’s stability, usability and security by carrying out various tests. This is also the moment to correct any anomalies/bugs detected.

Each of these stages, depending on the team’s size and the project’s complexity, can take from a few weeks to a few months. Therefore, if you are concerned about time, choose a one-stop software development company that comprehensively carries out the mobile app development process. Such a solution will save much time between the various stages of the project.

How much does it cost to develop an Android App?

Many different factors determine the Android app development cost:

  1. The level of complexity of the app – This aspect is directly related to the chosen technology, the functionalities and features of the app, as well as the time of the people working on the app and therefore not only developers, but also designers, QA or project managers.
  2. Type of application – The costs of creating an application will also vary between different categories of applications. For example, an eCommerce app has different technological requirements than a healthcare app. This can have an impact on the overall price range.
  3. Design – The app’s design is crucial to the user experience and engagement; therefore, it is an essential stage of product development. The cost of design depends on its complexity, prior research, or animations introduced.
  4. Selected Android application developers – Costs depend on whether the team is outsourced or located in-house. It is usually better to choose an outsourcing development company than to create an in-house development team from scratch. Price differences are also related to the country of origin. An hour of work for a developer or UX designer in the USA is considerably more expensive than in Europe.
  5. Costs associated with the maintenance of the application – Here, you need to add the costs associated with the technical aspect of the development of the application, such as the server or ensuring its security, but also updates, user support or bug fixing.

All these factors greatly impact the final cost of developing a mobile app, which is why the cost of developing an app can range from $50,000 to as much as $300,000 or more. If your budget is limited, it’s worth considering a cross-platform solution, enabling you to create an Android and iOS app using the same code.

Which frameworks are best for Android Development?

Choosing the proper framework largely depends on the technology required and your needs.
However, among the frameworks most valued by Android app developers are the following:

  1. Flutter
    Flutter is a framework created by Google for cross-platform mobile app development. Since its creation in 2017, Flutter has become increasingly popular and is now one of the most used frameworks. It is particularly appreciated for its interactive, eye-catching design, simplicity, speed and scalability. All of this contributes to boost developer productivity.
  2. React Native
    The cross-platform framework created by Facebook is one of the best for developing mobile apps. React Native is appreciated for its native performance simulation, simultaneous update or Hot Reload Feature, which enables faster coding. Furthermore, as React Native is an open-source framework, it has an active and supportive community.
  3. Xamarin
    Although this cross-platform framework is one of the oldest, it is still highly regarded in mobile app development. One of the significant advantages of Xamarin is that the code written with this framework is 75% identical for Android and iOS, which increases productivity. In addition, Xamarin’s libraries allow users to access the API of Facebook, Google or Apple. This framework is also valued for its simplified maintenance and open community.

Many frameworks are perfect for creating both Android and cross-platform solutions. Choosing the right solution largely depends on your needs. If you are still determining which framework is suitable for your digital product, contact us, and we will choose a tailor-made solution for you.

Is native app development better than cross-platform development?

No simple answer here. As usual, it all depends on your needs and expectations.
Native app development allows you to focus on application performance and features. This may provide app users richer user experience and increase their engagement. However, cross-platform solutions enable you to reduce the costs and time of app development as you need only one team of developers and a single codebase. It is also more convenient to maintain cross-platform apps.
If you wish to release two uniform apps to the market as soon as possible and have a limited project budget, consider cross-platform development. However, if time is not of the essence in your case, and you want to focus on platform-specific features in each of your apps, native development might be a better option.

What should I consider before hiring an Android app development company?

How can you make sure you choose the right vendor for your Android project? One of the first steps in selecting Android app developers is deciding what you’re actually searching for. Try answering these questions that will help you define your needs, and therefore choose the perfect partner.

  • What is my application idea?
  • Do I need strategy services?
  • Do I want a cross-platform app, or a native one?
  • Will I need design services as well?
  • What do I expect from my Android development vendor?
  • How much time do I have?
  • What is my budget?

Am I going to create my in-house team later on?
One thing that distinguishes a trustworthy vendor is an open, holistic approach. Whatever your idea is, they should be able to help you identify the weak links of the project, offer a technology that is going to fit your needs best, and stay proactive to suggest changes or improvements.

What language is best for Android mobile app development?

There are several keenly used languages in Android App Development:

  1. Java is a mature and widely-used language with a large community, making it easy to find resources and support. Before the creation of Kotlin, Java was the official language for Android App Development. It is appreciated for its stability and good performance.
  2. Kotlin has gained popularity recently and is now officially supported by Google for Android app development. In addition, Kotlin can work with Java and run on the Java Virtual Machine. Kotlin is an open-source solution that combines functional programming with fast compilation capabilities. This language owes its popularity to being a modern and concise tool that offers improved syntax, enhanced type inference, and a better development experience overall.
  3. C++ is used to write low-level code, such as performance-critical code, audio processing, and games. C++ can be used in Android application development through the Android Native Development Kit. However, it is worth remembering that C++ may have a different level of support and resources available in the Android development community than Java and Kotlin.
  4. Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It will best suit an Android app’s machine learning and data processing tasks. However, it is worth remembering that as with C++, it may offer less support and available resources than Java and Kotlin.

Every language has advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them ultimately depends on personal preference and project requirements. However, it’s important to note that Java and Kotlin are still the most commonly used languages for Android app development. Moreover, Kotlin has become increasingly popular in the Android development community, and many developers now consider it the best language for Android app development.

Looking for an Android app development agency?

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