Terms and Conditions of participation in the “AI Waves”

§1 General Provisions

1. The following Terms and Conditions define the general rules of participation in the “AI Waves” event, organized on 10/03/2021 by the company Miquido spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa (“Miquido Limited Liability Company” limited partnership) with its registered office in Kraków (address: ul. Zabłocie 43a, 30-701 Kraków) entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the KRS number:0000651969, NIP: 9452138173.

2. These Terms and Conditions implement the obligations provided for in Art. 8 sec. 1 point 1 of theAct of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422, as amended).

3. The terms used in the Terms and Conditions mean:

○ Event – an online webinar called “AI Waves” organized on 10/03/2021, aimed at the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, networking and promotion of the Organizer.

○ Organizer – the event is organized by Miquido spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa with its registered office in Krakow (address: Zabłocie 43a, 30-701 Kraków), NIP:9452138173, e-mail address: marketing@miquido.com, telephone number: +48 536 083 559.

○ Terms and Conditions – these terms and conditions.○ Participant – an adult who declares a wish to participate in the Event in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and receives a free ticket entitling to enter the Event – online “AI Waves” webinar.

4. Terms and Conditions are available on the event website at https://www.miquido.com/ai-waves  and are available for inspection at the registered office of the Organizer. Upon the request of the Participant, the Organizer will make the Terms and Conditions available in a manner that enables the Participant to access, reconstruct and to record their content with the use of Buyer’s ICT system.

5. Submitting a wish to participate in the Event is tantamount to a statement by the Participant that he or she has read the Terms and Conditions, understands their content, and fully accepts and undertakes to observe them. The Participant is obliged to observe the Terms and Conditions from the moment of taking the first action leading to the participation in the Event.

§2 Terms of participation

1. You can become the Participant by, in particular:

○ Ordering a ticket via the platform https://www.miquido.com/ai-waves 

2. The confirmation of obtaining a ticket is an e-mail from the Organizer informing about the registration of the participation in the Event. The Event is organized and conducted via the platform https://www.miquido.com/ai-waves 

3. Registration for the Event begins on February 15, 2021 and ends on March 10, 2021;

4. Tickets can be obtained within the time indicated by the Organizer several days in advance via the link: https://www.miquido.com/ai-waves 

5. The number of tickets entitling to enter the Event is limited. The Organizer decides about the possibility of participating in the Event by allocating an appropriate pool of tickets.

6. The participation in the event is free of charge.

7. Tickets entitling to the participation in the Event are personal. Only the person to whom the ticket is assigned is entitled to use the ticket. The participant is not allowed to request the replacement of the ticket with a cash equivalent or any other form of compensation.

8. The participation in the Event will be possible provided that the IT system used by the Participant meets the following minimum technical requirements: a computer (or other similar device) with access to the Internet, equipped with a web browser (eg Chrome (recommended), Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox) and an active e-mail address.

§3 Rights and obligations

1. The Organizer provides the Participant with access to up-to-date information on specific risks related to the use of the service provided by electronic means. The above Information constitutes an attachment no. 1 to the Terms and Conditions.

2. The Participant is obliged to, in particular:

– not to provide or transmit content prohibited by law, e.g. content that promotes violence, is defamatory or violates the rights of third parties.
– participate in the Event and use the “AI Waves” services in a manner that does not cause any interference, in particular by using specific software or devices.
– refrain from taking any actions aimed at obtaining the Organizer’s confidential information.
– use the services offered by the Organizer in a manner consistent with the legal regulations, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, as well as accepted custom.
– use the services offered by the Organizer in a way that is not inconvenient for other Participants and the Organizer, with respect for their personal rights (including the right to privacy) and other rights they are entitled to.

3. In the event of a breach of the obligations referred to in §3 sec. 2 above, the Organizer may deprive the Participant of the right to participate in the Event, as well as restrict access to some or all of the functionality of the Event with immediate effect.

4. The organizer is not responsible for:- providing in the registration an incorrect e-mail address by the Participant.- a failure by the Participant to meet the technical conditions specified in these Terms andConditions.- events caused by force majeure.

– lost profits and indirect damages.
– the Participant’s disclosure of his registration data to third parties.

5. To the extent that it is permitted by the applicable law, in particular subject to Art. 473 § 2 of the Polish Civil Code, the Organizer is not liable for any damages related to the carrying out of the Event, including damages resulting from the Participant’s participation in the Event or the Participant’s inability to participate in the Event, in particular for damages resulting from defects/failures/faults.The Organizer is not responsible for the content of the Participants’ statements during the Event.

6. The Organizer will record the course of the Event, including the Participants’ statements and questions, for archiving purposes and for the further use for the needs of the Participants or the Organizer, including making the recording available to third parties. The Organizer is entitled to use the information disclosed in the course of the Participant’s statements during the Event.

7. The Participant has no right to reproduce, place on the market or share the content of the Event, including the recordings of the Event.

8. The Participant may resign from the participation in the Event at any time.

§4 Complaint regarding services provided by electronic means

1. Complaints regarding the services provided by electronic means may be submitted due to:
– a failure to meet the starting date of the services, specified in the agreement, due to the fault of theOrganizer.
– non-performance, improper performance of the services by the Organizer.

2. The complaint regarding non-performance or improper performance of the service provided by electronic means should include in particular its subject and the circumstances justifying it.3. The Organizer considers complaints within 14 (in words: fourteen) days of the date of its submission. 

4. The complaint may be submitted by traditional mail, e-mail or phone – to the number or address indicated in § 1 sec. 3 above.

§ 5 Personal data

1. The Organizer is the controller of the Participant’s personal data.2. The data will be processed for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected, and in the case of the data processing based on consent – for no longer than until the consent is withdrawn. The data may be processed for a longer period than indicated above if there are other legal grounds for their further processing.

3. The data will be transferred to the company EventLabs sp.z o.o. (limited liability company) based inWarsaw, which provides services supporting the organization of the event The data may also be transferred to other recipients including, in particular, entities cooperating with the Organizer on carrying out the Event and companies providing support services in this regard.

4. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to participate in the Event.

5. The legal basis for the processing of data is:

○ Art. 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27April 2016 on the protection of natural person with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (GDPR), i.e. the necessity of the processing for the performance of the contract concluded with the Participant and/or for taking action at the request of the Participant prior to the entering into the contract. Based on the above-mentioned basis, the Organizer will process the data contained in the application form for the purposes related to the organization of the Event and the Participant’s participation in the Event, including for information purposes, strictly related to the organization and participation in the Event, i.e. to confirm that the Participant has obtained a ticket, remind of the date of the Event, send additional materials or information regarding the Event or providing other information strictly related to the organization and participation in the Event, both before and after the Event;

○ Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, i.e. a voluntary and express consent of the Participant to the processing of theParticipant’s personal data for the purposes related to the marketing of the services provided by theOrganizer, including for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The Organizer informs that the consent of the Participant may be withdrawn at any time, and the withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing which were carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.

○ Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR, i.e. the legitimate interest of the organizer, i.e. to pursue and defend against claims, for archiving purposes and to prepare a data backup, in connection with the administrator’s obligation to properly secure personal data, using other personal data provided by the Participant during the Event, including the data made available due to questions asked by theParticipant).6. The Organizer informs that the Participant has the right to access, correct, delete and transfer his personal data, to limit the processing of the data and object to it, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection office.7. The Organizer is responsible for determining the legal grounds for the processing of personal data and ensuring that the principles of personal data protection set out in the GDPR are met. Participants may exercise their rights by contacting the Organizer by post, e-mail or telephone, respectively to the number or address indicated in § 1 section 2 above.

§6 Final provisions

1. The Organizer reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time if the need to amend them results from: changes introduced to the generally applicable law; changes or new interpretations of the generally applicable legal provisions as a result of court judgments or decisions, guidelines or recommendations; changes in market conditions; changes regarding the organization of the Event; changes resulting from the way the Organizer operates; the need for changes resulting from reasons beyond the control of the Organizer; the need to correct the content of the Terms and Conditions or ensure the unambiguity of its provisions.

2. Introducing changes to these Terms and Conditions does not require the consent of theParticipant.

3. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel, partially close, shorten or postpone the organized Event in the event of circumstances beyond their control.4. In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the applicable provisions of the domestic law of the Republic of Poland and the provisions of the European Union law shall apply. The Terms and Conditions shall apply from the date of their publication on the website https://www.miquido.com/ai-waves.

Annex 1

The information on special risks associated with the use by the Participant of the services provided by electronic means by the Organizer – Miquido spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa with its registered office in Krakow. 

In the performance of the obligation under art. 6 (1) of the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing services by electronic means (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended), we would like to inform you about special risks associated with the use of the services provided by electronic means. This information refers to the risks that may only potentially occur but which should be taken into account although the Organizer has taken measures to protect the Organiser’s infrastructure against an unauthorised third-party action.The basic threats related to the use of the Internet include:
– malware;
– various types of applications or scripts having a harmful, criminal or malicious impact on the user’s ICT system, such as viruses, worms, trojans, keyloggers, dialers.
– spyware.
– programs which track your actions, collect information about you and send it, usually without your knowledge and consent, to the author of the program.
– unwanted and unsolicited e-mails sent to multiple recipients at once, often with advertising content.- phishing.- hacking into a user’s ICT system using hacking tools.

In order to avoid the above mentioned threats, the Participant should equip his/her computer and other electronic devices which he/she uses by connecting to the Internet with an antivirus program.Such a program should be constantly updated. Protection against threats related to the use of services provided by electronic means can be also ensured by:
– firewall,
– updating the software,
– not opening e-mail attachments of unknown origin,-reading instructions of installed programs as well as their licenses,
– disabling macros in MS Office files of unknown origin,-regular full system scans with an antivirus and antimalware,
– data transmission encryption,-installation of prevention programs,
-using the original system and applications from a legal source.